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PMM Talks | Building a successful PMM team | OnDemand

PMM Talks | OnDemand

There is more to building a high-performance team than simply assembling a group of talented people. From making the initial decision to hire to ensuring the team are working effectively together, there is a lot to consider.

For a team to truly succeed its members must unite with a clear vision and be motivated to bring that vision to life. They must share measurable goals and be committed to each playing their part in the group's overall success.

We’ve assembled a great panel of leaders to share their insights and help you lay the groundwork for a highly productive team that can communicate, cooperate and innovate.

Join this month’s PMM Talks discussion to hear our experts opinions on:

  • Matching your hiring needs with business goals
  • How to find the right candidate for your team
  • Establishing the groundwork to scale your team sustainably
  • Organising your team for success
  • Retaining a high performing team

Date: 31st January
Time: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm BST
Duration: 45-60 mins

This session is live and interactive so come armed with your burning questions. 🔥

Tune in live, for free, or catch up with all sessions OnDemand with a PMA Membership.

Meet the speakers:

Jennifer Bunting, Head of EMEA and LATAM Product Marketing at LinkedIn

Jen is the Head of EMEA and LATAM Product Marketing for the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions business. She joined LinkedIn in 2010 and held a variety of roles across multiple markets, including the US, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. Currently, she leads the strategy and execution of product marketing launches and adoption. She is a London Ambassador for the Product Marketing Alliance and is a member of the IAB UK Social Steering Group. In 2021, Jen was named B2B Marketer of the Year by The Drum.

Bryan Dsouza, Head of Marketing at Berkshire Grey

Bryan is a product marketing leader and is currently leading marketing at Berkshire Grey, a Boston-based AI robotics company focused on supply chain automation. Prior to Berkshire Grey, Bryan led product marketing at Grammarly and Microsoft. In addition to his day job, Bryan also runs a product marketing advisory - DOMENNO - where he advises startups to get to sustainable product-market fit. In his free time, Bryan loves taking his family on train rides to get ice cream and bike on any bike path he can find.

Pallavi Vanacharla, Head of Product Marketing at New Relic

Pallavi Vanacharla heads Product Marketing at New Relic. Prior to that, at Twilio, she led IoT Marketing and Industries Product Marketing. Over her 20 year career, Pallavi has built and led marketing and product marketing functions at high-growth startups as well as larger companies such as Intuit and Cisco. Personally, she enjoys singing, dancing and art and tends to find beauty in everything.

Div Manickam, Author | Mentor | PMM Talks Host

A mentor, author and product marketing influencer with 10+years of B2B SaaS product marketing at Fortune500 and startups. I am exploring a portfolio life one day at a time. I recently embarked on a journey with stress and anxiety, mindfulness and essentialism, diversity and belonging. I am committed to breaking the stigma and be a voice for the unspoken. Taking a leap into the unknown, I have self-published books on my journey, most recently on “Mastering the art and science of Product Marketing”.

Building a PMM Team Certified 🧱

The secret weapon in your business arsenal are your people.

In this specialist course, you’ll be taught how to build high-performing product marketers that deliver perfect synergy across your product, marketing, sales, and customer success teams, and redefine success in your own department like never before.

Written by:

Product Marketing Alliance

Product Marketing Alliance

Product Marketing Alliance

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PMM Talks | Building a successful PMM team | OnDemand