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14 min read

Winning on all fronts: the CI backbone for every department

Competitive Intelligence

Jonah Lopin, CEO and Co-Founder of Crayon, made this presentation at the Product Marketing Festival in June 2021. Watch presentations OnDemand now.

My name's Jonah Lopin, Co-Founder and CEO here at Crayon. Before joining Crayon, I studied physics and did an MBA at MIT, here at Boston and Cambridge.

Then I was on the management team of a company called HubSpot from zero to the IPO. HubSpot has a $24 billion market cap now, so many of you are probably familiar with that company.

Crayon is a venture-backed competitive intelligence software company. Crayon is the competitive intelligence backbone for mid-market and enterprise. We just announced our $22 million Series B about a month ago, we've got about 100 folks in the company, a global team, but the epicenter is here in Boston.

Of course, what we're most proud of, is that we do outrank Crayola for the word crayon in Google. We're very proud of that fact (my only attempt at humor, promise).

We've delivered 81 million insights in our platform over the past few years to over 500 mid-market enterprise customers, and we've learned a lot about competitive intelligence in that process.

My goal in this article is to increase your chances of success by sharing a lot of the learnings, insights, and ideas that have come out of serving our customers as we built the company.

I’ll discuss a range of topics, including:

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Jonah Lopin

Jonah Lopin

Jonah Lopin is the CEO & Co-Founder at Crayon.

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Winning on all fronts: the CI backbone for every department